Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Let's kick the tires and light the fires

Where has Cas been?  I’m sure that’s what everyone has been asking.  Well, I’m about to educate yous guys on all the goings on.  Work has been crazy busy, but you already knew that.  Highlight of my work week, receiving an email from Mr. Wang on Long Dong Ave. in Beijing, true story. 
Thursday the wife to be and I went to our friend’s house for their son’s first Birthday party.  Then Opelika had their city fireworks display so we stayed and watched that. 
Friday I took Adam to the Airport so he could get back home, another failed chance for the triple play. 
Saturday we picked up Bridesmaid dresses and looked at tuxes, wedding stuff is so boring.  *It’s so worth it for the prize at the end though babe.  ;) 
Sunday we had a “connection” event at church.  We all went to the lake and mingled with each other over BBQ and games.  Somehow the event turned to kids pelting adults with water balloons and squirt guns.  After “Church” we were invited to a friend’s house to swim in their pool.  They grilled hamburgers and hotdogs, people brought deserts, FYI, if anyone wants any Banana pudding Melissa and I have a ton of it, swing on by the house and get some we’re really pushing it.  Later in the afternoon the men decided that we needed some fireworks to really celebrate the fourth.  All the guys load up and head out to find big boom.  I say all the guys, I thought I was a “guys” but apparently not.  I was like Kirk Cameron and was left behind because of the seating capacity in the car.  It wasn’t long after they left that I realized I was the only dude sitting at a table of ladies talking about ladies issues.  I have become that guy…  I’m the gay straight friend, my life is so sad.  When the men returned from the hunt … for fireworks, they wanted ice cream.  Melissa and I brought our ice cream maker so she got to mixing and I got the ice and the maker ready.  Making ice cream is innocent fun right!?  Well, not when you use your own home made perpetual vanilla made with Vodka and vanilla beans.  Something Melissa and I didn’t think of was there were some recovering alcoholics at the party.  When they heard about our Vanilla all heck broke loss.  We were being blamed for them getting back on the wagon, and for getting the kids drunk.  One party goer took the tube the ice cream was churned in and wanted to drink it like a milkshake.  Hardy har har people, that’s how vanilla extract is made.  Now Melissa and I are known as the church drunks.  You try and do something nice for people and they make you feel like “one pathetic loser”. 
I hope everyone else had as much fun on their Holiday weekend as we did.

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